Getting Ready for New Years Eve 2021

Having spent the last 6 months getting SV Pamela C ready to sail, we decided our first trip away should be to Weymouth to see in the New Year in style!

Missing in action

October 16th Vesta got spooked and ran out of the boat. The following week saw horrific storms, rain, winds gusting over 70mph. Since then there have been no confirmed sightings of her, and at this stage we believe she is lost 🙁

Sailing with a land cat

It was a bit of a gamble taking Vesta on the boat. She’s been a landlubber for 7+ years and I really wasn’t sure how she would take to being marooned on a boat, surrounded by water, with little to do and no mice to chase. I’m glad to say that on the whole, she […]

Another day at sea!

September 20th, Jack again came on board with Gregg’s finest, suggesting that it was a nice day for a sail … to be honest, he had me at “hello” and I was raring to go (I’m not yet comfortable taking Pamela C out on my own, although getting closer and closer to feeling comfortable) and […]

Maiden Voyage

September 19th, 2021 we finally managed to take Pamela C out under canvas for the first time since taking ownership back in June! Well under the Genoa as we’re still waiting for the new boom to be delivered. It was just a short trip out into Weymouth Bay, primarily to raise the Genoa and attach […]

What is it about sailing?

What is it that I love so much about sailing? Good question! 🙂 Take everything you own that you can’t live without, put it and yourself into the shower turn on the cold water all the way, stay in there for at least two hours. If you come out with a semi-sunny disposition you’re in […]

Boarding Rules

We the undersigned confirm and understand that sailing vessels and water can be a dangerous place, and agree not to hold the Owner/Captain (Jon Morby) or his delegates liable in the event of loss or injury under civil law where reasonable endeavours to maintain your safety have been taken.  In addition, we agree to follow […]