2025 UK Circumnavigation

SV Pamela C is a 1977 Moody 39CC. She has already sailed around the world at least once in previous years. In 2021 she was purchased by Jon Morby, with a plan to renovate and set sail around the world one more time.

Having struggled with mental health issues for years, following on from the death of his father in 2013 and his marriage breaking down in 2015, Morby experienced a mental breakdown. As a result, the business he had spent more than 14 years building suffered, as did his physical health, and Jon found himself unemployed and alone by 2017.

I hope to make many memories whilst at the same time raising awareness of men’s mental health issues

Jon Morby

After reaching out for help and joining mental health support groups, Morby’s recovery began he was encouraged to look inwards to reflect on happier times. One of the fondest memories from his childhood was sailing a mirror dinghy on Bartley Green Reservoir. Morby had also sailed larger yachts as an adult, with friends and again found the experience to be exhilarating.

In 2020 Morby decided to undertake training to achieve RYA qualifications and obtained an ICC (International Certificate of Competency) and was on target to complete the RYA Yachtmaster qualification when the world went into lockdown through the global pandemic of 2020/2021.

Lockdown was hard and Morby again started to experience difficult times. Not prepared to give in he again went in search of the sailing dream when he stumbled across Pamela C in a Facebook Marketplace advert. Very quickly he borrowed the funds necessary to buy her, and started to prepare for the next adventure.

This will not be an easy challenge

Jon Morby

Renovations were anticipated to take just a few weeks. However, owing to a number of circumstances and contractor delays outside of Morby’s control, it eventually took more than 9 months before she was seaworthy.

Preparations then moved forwards with a view to departing in May 2022. It was at this stage that Morby experienced a number of health issues, which culminated in more than 8 surgical procedures under general anaesthetic and as many under local anaesthetic; resulting in two cases of sepsis, losing 24kg in 11 days, and the failure of a kidney.

A total of 97 days in hospital during 2023, with further surgery in February 2024. Recovery has been slow, however Morby is determined not to let these setbacks win and the plan now is to start the round the world tour with a circumnavigation of the UK in 2025, and following the success of this tour to then explore Northern France, Biscay and the Mediterranean in 2026/2027 before heading to the Caribbean in 2028 and beyond. Original plans for his 60th to be held onboard in Australia may have to be put on hold, but never say never!

The UK Tour

Over the years Morby has been active in Round Table raising funds for and helping out within the local community; and he hopes to involve and visit local Round Tables as he tours the UK, at the same time trying to raise awareness of Men’s Mental Health and to this end is also looking for partnerships with UK mental health charities and organisations to promote awareness.

A large part of the tour will be cathartic, visiting spots my family went to on holiday when I was a child, including Torquay, Great Yarmouth, Polperro, Swansea and the Isle of Man not to mention amazing new and previously unexplored locations in Scotland and the North East.

In a recent interview, Morby stated

“You sometimes hear of people doing these challenges in their 20’s for a number of reasons, and mental health awareness is certainly one such cause – in my 20’s I felt as though I was invincible. In my 50’s I am so much more aware of my mortality and my body is considerably less forgiving than it was 30 years ago. This will not be an easy challenge, battling the elements single handed and coping with the solitude you experience as a single handed sailor. I hope to bring attention to the plight of the older generation, many are divorced and alone. I hope to make many memories and have stories to tell friends by the fireside! Not to mention content for YouTube videos as the adventure unfolds!”

If you want to get involved, then please look to the many options available to offer support – like and subscribe to the YouTube channel, watch the videos, turn up and welcome Pamela C when she arrives in your local area – all of these can be done for FREE.

If you want to go further then you can make financial donations through the website www.svpamelac.com either through Patreon, PayPal or Ko-Fi.

You can also tell your friends, and share awareness of the challenge.

Benefits for Sponsors

By partnering with SV Pamela C your brand will be associated with mental health rejuvenation, outdoor activities, and through the publication of YouTube videos and local press articles you will benefit from both national and global exposure with your brand being seen as a supportive and caring brand.

You will be seen as helping to have a positive impact in a case of mental health recovery. You will have the opportunity to promote a service or product in videos, subject to sponsorship level as well as benefit from logo placement both on the boat and also on videos showing you as a supporter. The plan is to engender a general “feel good” factor which your brand will be associated with in a positive way.

Sponsorship packages are available on an episodic, season or ongoing basis.

Where the funds will go

Morby has already invested a great deal of his own and family’s money into this venture, the purchase of the yacht as well as the repairs, upgrades and maintenance. What is needed now is funding to continue the upgrades, as well as to fund the actual circumnavigation including costs such as diesel, mooring and marina fees as well as food and subsistence.

Still required is a solar arch with integrated dinghy davits at a cost of some £10,000 which will enable off offgrid living and remove the total dependency on marinas. We would also like to upgrade the current dinghy to a Highfield RIB (CL310) which costs approximately £4,500. In addition we need to install safety equipment including a life raft, and EPIRB which will cost almost £2,000.

What has been spent so far? Navionics and Electronics upgrades totalling more than £25,000, new rigging at a cost of over £7,500, solar panels and batteries costing almost £4,500. Electric outboard engine costing £2,500, a basic dinghy costing £750.

Donations can be made anonymously or through a formal / branded sponsorship agreement.

Notes To Editors

SV Pamela C, a 1977 Mood 39CC, was rescued from potential destruction in 2021 when Jon Morby, previously part of the team which brought the Internet to the UK in 1992, stumbled across her wasting away in a shipyard. Work has since been underway to repair and upgrade her in preparation for a round-the-world cruise. The trip was originally set to start in 2022, however owing to numerous setbacks and delays (including serious health issues affecting her Captain Jon Morby; which saw him in and out of intensive care, spending some 97 days in hospital during 2023 alone; recovering from sepsis and resultant organ failure. The plan now is to depart in 2025, initially sailing around the UK before heading further afield and following in the footsteps of history. Morby intends to use the trip to bring awareness to men’s mental health, and to work with charities including Round Table (of which Morby has been a member since 1989).

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