I have often been asked “so if you don’t think they (Boris, et al) are doing a good job, what would you do in their place?” … so I decided it might be time to put it down “on paper” so I can answer the question more simply and openly.

COVID-19 Response

I would have closed the borders in March last year, with enforced quarantine and testing for arrivals (key workers and UK residents returning home) … basically do what the Isle of Man, Jersey, Guernsey, Australia and New Zealand did (note they all have 0 infections in the general population and are on the whole carrying on as normal) … (the Isle of Man had 6 cases just before Xmas, so they put the whole Island into lockdown for 3 weeks and they’re now COVID free again as of today)

Currently, you can still arrive in the UK from pretty much everywhere … ok so in the last week you now need to show a negative test that’s 72 hours old (and fill in a card saying where you’re going to be staying for the 14 days) .. then you jump on a train / tube / bus and head home where you self isolate for 10-14 days … but if you have the infection you’ve spread it around your entire route home.

The EU / EEA

I wouldn’t have left the EEA … tbh I wouldn’t have left the EU either, I would have worked on the issues that the leave voters had and addressed their concerns on immigration / etc (note, we had the power to close borders, require EU visitors to have a job within 3 months of arriving/independent means or to return to their place of origin). I would have worked to educate regarding the supposed “EU dictatorship and red tape” … (note they’re elected officials who appoint some civil servants, just as we have elected officials who appoint/hire civil servants in the UK – who for example voted for Dominic Cummings????!)


I would not be sitting on NHS pay increases … those guys have had a net reduction in salaries over the last 10 years taking into account inflation.


I would be doing more to help the homeless

Fake News and The Media

I would be doing more to counter fake news and the bias of the Murdoch press

Government Reform

I would work to reduce duplication and waste within Government, I would pressure MPs to reject the repeated pay increases they’ve received – or even better – tie MPs salaries to every other Civil Servant and Government worker so everyone gets the same level of pay increase at the same time.


I would bring in additional taxation levels for those earning more than £100k, £250k, £1m and £5m / year … look at finding ways to tax the likes of Amazon and Starbucks more fairly … and I would look at bolstering the NHS with additional funding from these taxes.

Development and Regeneration

I would also be working to encourage more development of IT skills across the country, promoting numerous “Silicon Valley” style business hubs in every major city across the UK
And I would be working with our MEPs to work in Europe for the good of all, promoting UK values instead of letting the likes of Farage showboat but actually not do anything while in office (note he turned up to 1 of 42 fisheries council meetings as an MEP, yet he purports to speak for the UK fishing industry)

Crime and Punishment

Focus on reducing crime, especially knife crime but also cybercrime (see the IT hubs across the UK which would be developing security applications amongst others and broadening awareness of cyber fraud tactics originating from overseas)

The Arts

I would also ensure we supported the Arts within the UK, increasing funding for Theatre and Film productions


Additional support for tourism throughout the UK, promoting the UK as a viable tourist destination for both domestic and international holidaymakers.

and that’s just a start ….

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